testmodus / inc / xtc_php_mail.inc.php @ 3
Historie | Anzeigen | Annotieren | Download (12,1 KB)
1 | 1 | root | <?php
2 | /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | $Id: xtc_php_mail.inc.php 13147 2021-01-11 16:00:32Z GTB $
4 | |||
5 | modified eCommerce Shopsoftware
6 | http://www.modified-shop.org
7 | |||
8 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 [www.modified-shop.org]
9 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | based on:
11 | (c) 2003 nextcommerce (xtc_php_mail.inc.php,v 1.17 2003/08/24); www.nextcommerce.org
12 | (c) 2006 XT-Commerce (xtc_php_mail.inc.php)
13 | |||
14 | Released under the GNU General Public License
15 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 | |||
17 | use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; |
18 | use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; |
19 | |||
20 | require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'includes/classes/class.logger.php'); |
21 | |||
22 | // include the mail classes
23 | function xtc_php_mail($from_email_address, $from_email_name, |
24 | $to_email_address, $to_name, $forwarding_to, |
25 | $reply_address, $reply_address_name, |
26 | $path_to_attachments, $path_to_more_attachments, |
27 | $email_subject, $message_body_html, $message_body_plain, |
28 | $priority = null |
29 | ) |
30 | { |
31 | global $order, $main, $LogLevel; |
32 | |||
33 | // include needed function
34 | require_once(DIR_FS_INC.'xtc_not_null.inc.php'); |
35 | require_once(DIR_FS_INC.'parse_multi_language_value.inc.php'); |
36 | |||
37 | 2 | root | # TESTMODUS
38 | if(defined('TESTMODUS') && TESTMODUS && EMAIL_CATCH_ALL){ |
39 | $email_subject = str_replace("::", "::(Testmodus: Umleitung von $to_email_address) - ", $email_subject); |
40 | $to_email_address = EMAIL_CATCH_ALL; |
41 | $forwarding_to = EMAIL_CATCH_ALL; |
42 | } |
43 | |||
44 | 1 | root | // includes main class
45 | if (!is_object($main)) { |
46 | require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'includes/classes/main.php'); |
47 | $main = new main(); |
48 | } |
49 | |||
50 | if (!class_exists('Smarty')) { |
51 | require (DIR_FS_EXTERNAL.'smarty/smarty_2/Smarty.class.php'); |
52 | } |
53 | $mailsmarty= new Smarty; |
54 | $mailsmarty->compile_dir = DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates_c'; |
55 | |||
56 | //set language parameters
57 | $lang_data = array(); |
58 | $lang_data['directory'] = isset($_SESSION['language']) ? $_SESSION['language'] : ''; |
59 | $lang_data['language_charset'] = isset($_SESSION['language_charset']) ? $_SESSION['language_charset'] : ''; |
60 | $lang_data['code'] = isset($_SESSION['language_code']) ? $_SESSION['language_code'] : ''; |
61 | $lang_data['languages_id'] = isset($_SESSION['languages_id']) ? $_SESSION['languages_id'] : ''; |
62 | $where= ''; |
63 | if (empty($lang_data['directory']) || empty($lang_data['language_charset']) || empty($lang_data['code'])) { |
64 | $where = " WHERE code = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."'"; |
65 | } |
66 | if (isset($order) && is_object($order)) { |
67 | $where = " WHERE directory = '".$order->info['language']."'"; |
68 | $customers_status = $order->info['status']; |
69 | } |
70 | |||
71 | if ($where) { |
72 | $lang_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * |
74 | ".$where." |
75 | ");
76 | $lang_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($lang_query); |
77 | } |
78 | |||
79 | // set parameters
80 | $from_email_address = parse_multi_language_value($from_email_address, $lang_data['code']); |
81 | $from_email_name = parse_multi_language_value($from_email_name, $lang_data['code']); |
82 | $to_email_address = parse_multi_language_value($to_email_address, $lang_data['code']); |
83 | $to_name = parse_multi_language_value($to_name, $lang_data['code']); |
84 | $forwarding_to = parse_multi_language_value($forwarding_to, $lang_data['code']); |
85 | $reply_address = parse_multi_language_value($reply_address, $lang_data['code']); |
86 | $reply_address_name = parse_multi_language_value($reply_address_name, $lang_data['code']); |
87 | $path_to_attachments = parse_multi_language_value($path_to_attachments, $lang_data['code']); |
88 | $email_subject = parse_multi_language_value($email_subject, $lang_data['code']); |
89 | |||
90 | // load the signatures only, if the appropriate file(s) exists
91 | $html_signatur = ''; |
92 | $txt_signatur = ''; |
93 | if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/signatur.html')) { |
94 | $shop_content_data = $main->getContentData(EMAIL_SIGNATURE_ID, $lang_data['languages_id'], ((isset($customers_status)) ? $customers_status : DEFAULT_CUSTOMERS_STATUS_ID_GUEST)); |
95 | $mailsmarty->assign('SIGNATURE_HTML', $shop_content_data['content_text']); |
96 | $html_signatur = $mailsmarty->fetch(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/signatur.html'); |
97 | } |
98 | if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/signatur.txt')) { |
99 | $shop_content_data = $main->getContentData(EMAIL_SIGNATURE_ID, $lang_data['languages_id'], ((isset($customers_status)) ? $customers_status : DEFAULT_CUSTOMERS_STATUS_ID_GUEST)); |
100 | $mailsmarty->assign('SIGNATURE_TXT', $shop_content_data['content_text']); |
101 | $txt_signatur = $mailsmarty->fetch(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/signatur.txt'); |
102 | } |
103 | |||
104 | $html_widerruf = ''; |
105 | $txt_widerruf = ''; |
106 | if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/widerruf.html')) { |
107 | $html_widerruf = $mailsmarty->fetch(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/widerruf.html'); |
108 | } |
109 | if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/widerruf.txt')) { |
110 | $txt_widerruf = $mailsmarty->fetch(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/mail/'.$lang_data['directory'].'/widerruf.txt'); |
111 | } |
112 | |||
113 | //Platzhalter [WIDERRUF] durch Widerruf Text ersetzen
114 | if (strpos($message_body_html,'[WIDERRUF]') !== false) { |
115 | $message_body_html = str_replace('[WIDERRUF]', $html_widerruf, $message_body_html); |
116 | } elseif ($html_widerruf != '') { |
117 | $html_widerruf = '<br />'.$html_widerruf; |
118 | } |
119 | if (strpos($message_body_plain,'[WIDERRUF]') !== false) { |
120 | $message_body_plain = str_replace('[WIDERRUF]', $txt_widerruf, $message_body_plain); |
121 | } elseif ($txt_widerruf != '') { |
122 | $txt_widerruf = "\n".$txt_widerruf; |
123 | } |
124 | |||
125 | //Platzhalter [NOSIGNATUR] falls keine Signatir notwendig (zB Newsletter)
126 | if (strpos($message_body_html,'[NOSIGNATUR]') !== false) { |
127 | $message_body_html = str_replace('[NOSIGNATUR]', '', $message_body_html); |
128 | $message_body_plain = str_replace('[NOSIGNATUR]', '', $message_body_plain); |
129 | $html_signatur = ''; |
130 | $txt_signatur = ''; |
131 | } |
132 | |||
133 | //Platzhalter [SIGNATUR] durch Signatur Text ersetzen
134 | if (strpos($message_body_html,'[SIGNATUR]') !== false) { |
135 | $message_body_html = str_replace('[SIGNATUR]', $html_signatur, $message_body_html); |
136 | $html_signatur = ''; |
137 | } elseif ($html_signatur != '') { |
138 | $html_signatur = '<br />'.$html_signatur; |
139 | } |
140 | if (strpos($message_body_plain,'[SIGNATUR]') !== false) { |
141 | $message_body_plain = str_replace('[SIGNATUR]', $txt_signatur, $message_body_plain); |
142 | $txt_signatur = ''; |
143 | } elseif ($txt_signatur != '') { |
144 | $txt_signatur = "\n".$txt_signatur; |
145 | } |
146 | |||
147 | // decode html2txt
148 | $html_array = array('<br />', '<br/>', '<br>'); |
149 | $txt_array = array(" \n", " \n", " \n"); |
150 | $message_body_plain = str_replace($html_array, $txt_array, $message_body_plain.$txt_signatur);//DPW Signatur erg?nzt. |
151 | |||
152 | // remove html tags
153 | $message_body_plain = strip_tags($message_body_plain); |
154 | $message_body_plain = html_entity_decode($message_body_plain, ENT_NOQUOTES, $lang_data['language_charset']); |
155 | |||
156 | require_once (DIR_FS_EXTERNAL.'phpmailer/PHPMailer.php'); |
157 | require_once (DIR_FS_EXTERNAL.'phpmailer/Exception.php'); |
158 | |||
159 | $mail = new PHPMailer(false); |
160 | $mail->Debugoutput = new LoggingManager(DIR_FS_LOG.'mod_mailer_%s_'.((defined('RUN_MODE_ADMIN')) ? 'admin_' : '').'%s.log', 'mailer', (($LogLevel != '') ? $LogLevel : 'info')); |
161 | $mail->CharSet = $lang_data['language_charset']; |
162 | $mail->Priority = $priority; |
163 | $mail->UseSendmailOptions = ((defined('USE_SENDMAIL_OPTIONS') && USE_SENDMAIL_OPTIONS != 'true') ? false : true); |
164 | |||
165 | if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp') { |
166 | require_once (DIR_FS_EXTERNAL.'phpmailer/SMTP.php'); |
167 | |||
168 | $mail->IsSMTP(); |
169 | $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; |
170 | $mail->SMTPAuth = (SMTP_AUTH == 'true') ? true : false; |
171 | $mail->SMTPSecure = (defined('SMTP_SECURE') && SMTP_SECURE != 'none') ? SMTP_SECURE : ''; |
172 | $mail->Port = SMTP_PORT; |
173 | $mail->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; |
174 | $mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; |
175 | $mail->Host = SMTP_MAIN_SERVER.';'.SMTP_BACKUP_SERVER; |
176 | $mail->SMTPAutoTLS = (defined('SMTP_AUTO_TLS') && SMTP_AUTO_TLS == 'true') ? true : false; |
177 | $mail->SMTPDebug = (defined('SMTP_DEBUG')) ? (int)SMTP_DEBUG : 0; |
178 | $mail->SMTPOptions = array( |
179 | 'ssl' => array( |
180 | 'verify_peer' => false, |
181 | 'verify_peer_name' => false, |
182 | 'allow_self_signed' => true |
183 | ) |
184 | ); |
185 | } |
186 | |||
187 | if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') { |
188 | $mail->isSendmail();
189 | $mail->Sendmail = SENDMAIL_PATH; |
190 | } |
191 | |||
192 | if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'mail') { |
193 | $mail->isMail();
194 | } |
195 | |||
196 | //Recipients
197 | $mail->setFrom($from_email_address, $from_email_name); |
198 | $mail->addAddress($to_email_address, $to_name); |
199 | $mail->addReplyTo($reply_address, $reply_address_name); |
200 | |||
201 | if ($forwarding_to != '') { |
202 | $forwarding = explode(',', $forwarding_to); |
203 | foreach ($forwarding as $forwarding_address) { |
204 | $mail->addBCC(trim($forwarding_address)); |
205 | } |
206 | } |
207 | if (defined('EMAIL_ARCHIVE_ADDRESS')) { |
208 | $email_archive_address = parse_multi_language_value(trim(EMAIL_ARCHIVE_ADDRESS), $lang_data['code']); |
209 | if (trim($email_archive_address) != '') { |
210 | $mail->addBCC(trim($email_archive_address)); |
211 | } |
212 | } |
213 | |||
214 | //create attachments array for better handling
215 | $attachments = attachments_array($path_to_attachments,$path_to_more_attachments); |
216 | |||
217 | $included_files = get_included_files(); |
218 | if (is_array($included_files)) { |
219 | $conditions = CONTENT_CONDITIONS; |
220 | if (defined('RUN_MODE_ADMIN') && GROUP_CHECK == 'true') { |
221 | $conditions = " AND group_ids LIKE '%c_".((isset($customers_status)) ? $customers_status : DEFAULT_CUSTOMERS_STATUS_ID_GUEST)."_group%' "; |
222 | } |
223 | $email_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT * |
225 | WHERE languages_id = '".$lang_data['languages_id']."' |
226 | ".$conditions); |
227 | while ($email = xtc_db_fetch_array($email_query)) { |
228 | foreach ($included_files as $files) { |
229 | if (strpos($files, $email['email_id'].'.html') !== false) { |
230 | if (is_file(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'media/content/'.$email['content_file'])) { |
231 | $attachments[] = DIR_FS_CATALOG.'media/content/'.$email['content_file']; |
232 | } |
233 | } |
234 | } |
235 | } |
236 | } |
237 | $attachments = array_unique($attachments); |
238 | |||
239 | // add attachments
240 | for( $i = 0, $n = count($attachments); $i < $n; $i++) { |
241 | $mail->addAttachment($attachments[$i]); |
242 | } |
243 | |||
244 | //Content
245 | $mail->Subject = encode_utf8($email_subject); |
246 | $mail->setWordWrap((int)EMAIL_WORD_WRAP); |
247 | if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { // set email format to HTML |
248 | $mail->IsHTML(true); |
249 | $mail->Body = $message_body_html.$html_signatur;//DPW Signatur erg?nzt. |
250 | $mail->AltBody = $message_body_plain; |
251 | } else {
252 | $mail->IsHTML(false); |
253 | $mail->Body = $message_body_plain; |
254 | } |
255 | |||
256 | require_once(DIR_FS_INC.'auto_include.inc.php'); |
257 | foreach(auto_include(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'includes/extra/php_mail/','php') as $file) require ($file); |
258 | |||
259 | if (!$mail->Send()) { |
260 | trigger_error('Mailer Error - '.$mail->ErrorInfo, E_USER_WARNING); |
261 | return false; |
262 | } |
263 | return true; |
264 | } |
265 | |||
266 | function attachments_array($path_to_attachments,$path_to_more_attachments) |
267 | { |
268 | $attachments = array(); |
269 | $attachments = check_attachments($attachments,$path_to_attachments); |
270 | $attachments = check_attachments($attachments,$path_to_more_attachments); |
271 | return $attachments; |
272 | } |
273 | |||
274 | function check_attachments($attachments, $path_to_attachments) |
275 | { |
276 | if ($path_to_attachments != '') { |
277 | $path_to_attachments = is_array($path_to_attachments) ? $path_to_attachments : explode(',',$path_to_attachments); |
278 | $num = count($path_to_attachments); |
279 | for($i=0; $i <$num; $i++) { |
280 | $path_to_attachments[$i] = ((strpos($path_to_attachments[$i], DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT)===false) ? DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT:'') . trim($path_to_attachments[$i]); |
281 | if (file_exists($path_to_attachments[$i])) { |
282 | $attachments[] = $path_to_attachments[$i]; |
283 | } |
284 | } |
285 | } |
286 | return $attachments; |
287 | } |
288 | ?> |